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Month: October 2017

Conor McLaughlin believes improvement will come

Posted on October 6, 2017 in Conor Mclaughlin

Millwall defender Conor McLaughlin is confident that the team will improve and that they will be able to win some games.

He said that this league is very difficult and that the difference lies in the fact that the oppositions are more potent in their attack.

He said that they would need to score more goals if they want to win games in the Championship. In the match against Bolton Wanderers, Millwall thought that they did the most difficult thing by opening up the score, but they will concede a goal in the closing stage of the game.

Conor McLaughlin said that they would need to learn to defend better as the sides in this league can score goals at any moment and that they will have to improve defensively. (more…)

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